Were you correct in guessing the Manitoulin lakes?! Check below!
3. A lake with a dirty name - Mud Lake
4. A lake named after this west end town with a famous waterfall - Lake Kagawong
5. A lake named after a similar pair - Twin Lake
7. A lake named after a famous Canadian tree that produces delicious syrup - Maple Lake
9. A lake in which you take a stunning causeway over to get into Evansville - Lake Wolsey
13. A lake whose name suggests it has no name - Nameless Lake
14. A lake with a 'rocking' name - Stone's Lake
1. A lake named after a popular fish and candy - Sucker Lake
2. A lake with the name the opposite of small - Big Lake
3. A lake named after this centrally located town - Lake Mindemoya
6. A lake which shares the name of a fish, a town and a colour - Whitefish Lake
10. The largest inland lakes on Manitoulin - Lake Manitou
11. A lake which is known to be the first Manitoulin lake to freeze in the winter and the first to de-ice in the spring - Ice Lake
12. A lake named after a popular fish, found in Sheguiandah - Bass Lake
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